MILBO, LLC   .  Call us at (205) 543-0645
You know how to start a business concept that you're sure will engage customers and drive profits. So you copy a business plan template out of a book, withdraw some of your savings, and fail within a year. The Small Business Administration reports that half of new businesses fail. In Alabama, over 10,000 businesses bit the dust in 2004 alone.

If you want your business to succeed then you need something to set you apart. You need a strategy. Many businesses fail because their owners were “too good” -- too good at making and serving food, too good at offering financial services, too good at fashion or home health care. They were so good at what they did that they didn't have time to be good at business. They didn't have time to think about the bottom line as much as they should have, to consult with a financial expert as much as they should have, to really put time and thought into a new professionally designed logo.

Sound familiar? To have a successful Birmingham business, you need help from someone who knows Birmingham business. At MILBO LLC, we're good at business, we know why businesses fail, and most importantly, we know how to give you the solid ground you need to be a business, not a statistic. And we're willing to show you what we can do for free. Call today for a free consultation, and make a move toward setting yourself apart.

Whether you're an established business or want to launch a brand new one in Birmingham or anywhere else in Alabama, contact the experienced professionals at MILBO.

3/31/2021 10:44:03 am

Very ccreative post


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